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The meeting will be held at the Drs. Bruce & Lee Foundation Library, located at 509 S. Dargan St. in?Florence. The PDCC meeting will be followed by an Open House, scheduled from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.?Aug. 2 at the same location.
The Open House allows citizens to determine their level of flood risk and what changes, if any, may apply under the preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps, meet with insurance specialists and local officials.
The vision for Risk MAP is to deliver quality data that increases public awareness and leads to action that reduces risk to life and property.?
Risk MAP builds on flood hazard data and maps produced during the Flood Map Modernization program implemented by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to update the nation?s Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) on a countywide basis.?
FEMA, DNR, and local governments are working together to successfully accomplish the goals of Risk MAP, which is to address gaps in flood hazard data, to promote public awareness and understanding of risks, as well as to plan, lead, and support communities to effectively engage in risk-based mitigation planning.
The PDCC meeting will serve to educate local officials on the Post Preliminary Phase of the Mapping Initiative and their responsibilities in its implementation within their jurisdiction.?
The Post Preliminary Phase includes the Compliance Period in which localities will be required to review their recently updated flood insurance studies and update their current local flood damage prevention ordinance.??
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